Video productions by Bermuda stand for supreme quality and the team is always helpful.

Every day around the globe unimaginable quantities of goods are transported both by land and by sea. Kalmar operates in the very heart of this cycle, offering everything from warehouse trucks to completely automated terminals.

Understanding the business

Investing in technology is always a challenge. Alternative and competing solutions are often next to impossible to compare. That is why the sales process of technology should bring out the right features and turn them into undeniable, verifiable benefits. For years, Bermuda has been partnering with Kalmar, producing videos to support this sales funnel.

The Kalmar brand is built as any global brand should, with clear visual and conceptual frame that gives space for narration while maintaining a unified brand impression. However, within these frameworks, Bermuda has sought a new, fresh way of narration. We see it as a priority to present the strengths and arguments of each solution through the bigger picture or relevant context. This way the key benefits and the real significance of the solution will capture potential client’s attention.

Achieving the goals

In December 2015, Kalmar announced a purely electric straddle carrier, the first of its kind in the world. Instead of a press release alone, Kalmar wanted to verify the functionality of the concept in the field with video material. Bermuda accepted the challenge and produced a script and a video, shot in one day. As the subject was almost ten meters high, almost all material was shot high above the ground. Aerial photography was executed in collaboration with Bermuda’s long-term partner, Cinepic Oy.

Nowadays, aerial photography is quite common and is often used to create a wow effect. In this case, it was a cost-effective solution as well, solving many practical issues, like challenging shooting angles and camera movements.

The versatile Kalmar AutoRTG System can be deployed step-by-step and it enables the automation of huge mobile gantry cranes. This improves productivity, efficiency and safety. To influentially communicate the benefits and application possibilities of the product Bermuda created a script and produced a video teaser. 

Bermuda has produced videos and sales promotions for several other purposes as well, including product launches, the introduction of Rusko Technology and Competence Center, different automation solution areas and internal promotions.

Read more about our customers

Read about companies' experiences with Bermuda and take a look at our projects.

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